5 Star Pet Shop Licence
Pets Plus Arborfield
Open: Mon - Sat: 9:30am to 5:30pm, Sun 10:30am to 4:30pm
tel: 01189 761 609
Henry Street Garden Centre, Arborfield, Reading, RG2 9JY
Veterinary Approved, Licensed by the Local Authority No. PS0013 R&YA Hiscock


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Guinea Pigs

Guinea Pigs

Pets Plus source their guninea pigs only from reliable and experienced breeders, they are quarantined for 7 days before being released for sale. There are three main breeds in the U.K: English (short fine hair); Abyssinian (rough wiry hair) and Peruvian (very long hair). Guinea pigs, unless on a treatment programme are susceptible to mite, responsible breeders will irradiate this problem prior to supply. Guinea pigs are very companionable animals and should live in pairs or if space allows, colonies. It is recommended that they are not paired up with rabbits as they cannot communicate with one another.
Products available in store:
  • Hutches and runs - Sturdy good quality solid wooden hutches and runs all treated with none toxic preservative, hutches have felt roofs. With care these products will last for years.
  • Indoor cage - Large cages to provide adequate exercise, sleeping and feeding space for two guinea pigs. More exercise will be available when socialised outside of the cage
  • Various hides, food dishes, drinking bottles, toys and tunnels
  • A good variety of foods, treats, natural treats, wooden gnaws, willow gnaws and tunnels and mineral blocks
  • Various wood flakes and hays.
  • Shampoos and treatments
  • Books
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Useful Information

Much the same care, accommodation and cleaning should be provided to guinea pigs as for rabbits (see rabbit section). Guinea pigs thrive on Excel Guinea Pig Food, Gerty or Gloria, which ever is used it is essential to supplement dry foods with fresh vegetables containing Vitamin C - carrots, dark green cabbage, spring greens broccoli, cauliflower greens, sprout trimmings, kale etc. Beetroot, apples, parsnips, celery, runner beans are also useful additions. (Guinea pigs are unable to manufacture Vit C from other food components of the diet).
  • Mite infection - Very itchy , can lead to fits due to extreme irritation. Treat with Ivermectin injected by vets or in drop form from Pets Plus
  • Ringworm - Patchy hair loss. Scaly skin in round patches.
  • Scurvy - Lack of Vitamin C. Animal will appear to be lethargic, suffering discomfort from joint and muscular pain, possible signs of bleeding from capillaries under skin and gums.
  • Ulcerated and infected feet - Pronounced swelling caused by rough dirty hutch floors.
  • Malocclusion - Bad Bite. The teeth do not meet when the mouth is closed, may be accompanied with crooked teeth.
Guinea Pigs Needs
  • Indoor guinea pigs - Cage large enough to accommodate them and to provide space for exercise, resting, feeding and toilet facilities (litter tray) when not socialised outside the cage. Pets Plus suggest a minimum length of one metre.
  • Outdoor guinea pigs - Hutch large enough to accommodate them and provide space for exercise, resting, feeding and toilet facilities when not enjoying supervised freedom in the garden or exercise run.
  • Pets Plus suggest a minimum length of four feet (1200 mm) situated in a sheltered position from strong winds and sunshine. Provide extra protection during winter months, eg. garage or shed or insulate the hutch. Guinea pigs purchased later in the year should be kept indoors until Spring of the following year when they may be accommodated outside (weather permitting) where they will acclimatise themselves in preparation for the winter. 
  • A supply of clean water and food should be changed daily. Debris from fresh fruit and vegetables should be cleared daily. Hay and grass is essential for teeth and digestion, ensure its availability. Fresh fruit and vegetables provide Vitamin C and should be provided every day.
  • Wooden gnaws including willow for health teeth and gums.
  • Hay in the sleeping area, wood flakes in the exercise area. Increase hay in the sleeping area during winter months.
  • Clean living conditions, pick over daily and thoroughly clean once a week.
  • Company and affection.

If you would like to view our range of small animal products, please visit our shop or feel free to call us for advice or to check the availability of any items that you may want.

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